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About Kristina

About Kristina Lentz

Kristina has been a professional massage therapist for over 30 years and has over 3200 hours of training in massage and advanced bodywork. Working from her treatment center in San Rafael, Marin County, she draws on a wide array of advanced massage and healing modalities, including Active Release Therapy (ART), a cutting-edge soft tissue technique. She specializes in treating injuries and traumas of all kinds. She also does stress reduction and relaxation, sports massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue, hands-on-healing, structural alignment, and energy work.


​“I excel at putting people out of pain and bringing their body, mind, and spirit back together again.” Each session is unique and Kristina synthesizes from a wide variety of techniques designed for the client’s particular needs. Her work compliments chiropractic and other healing treatments.

Kristina has over 30 years experience in the intuitive arts and was trained as a professional intuitive reader, healer and counselor.


A Reiki Grand master, and a Jin Shin Jytsu practitioner, she clears and balances the charkas and aura, and uses her intuition to get to the core issues affecting her client’s physical problems.


Kristina has a strong, athletic body; she works out, practices yoga, hikes with her dog, sings, and plays piano. She takes frequent spiritual journeys around the world.


Kristina Lentz at Beyond Massage in San Rafael, Marin County is a professional massage therapist and bodyworker.

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